Legal Notice
Specifications pursuant to Section 5 German Teleservices Act (Telemediengesetz, TMG)
Gemineo GmbH
Theresienstr. 73
80333 Munich, Germany
Commercial register no.: HRB 254554
Court of registry: Local court Munich
Represented by
Stephan Bettzieche, Managing Director
Phone: +49 89 54 27 47-0
Fax: +49 89 54 27 47-5
VAT identification number pursuant to Section 27a German Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz, UStG) DE 328 424 752
EU Dispute Resolution
The European Commission has provided a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR): Our email address can be found above in the legal notice.
Consumer Dispute Resolution/General Conciliation Body
We are neither willing nor obligated to participate in any dispute resolution procedures in front of a consumer dispute resolution body.
Liability for Content
Section 7(1) TMG stipulates that as a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this website pursuant to general laws. Pursuant to Sections 8–10 TMG, however, we are neither obligated to monitor any third-party information that has been transmitted or stored nor to investigate any circumstances implying an unlawful act. Any obligation to remove or suspend the use of such information pursuant to general laws shall remain unaffected. However, we cannot be held liable for that until we have become aware of a concrete violation of the law. We shall remove such content immediately as soon as any corresponding violation of the law becomes known to us.
Liability for Links
Our website contains links to external third-party websites whose content is outside of our control. That is why we cannot give any guarantees as to such third-party content. The respective providers/operators of the linked third-party websites are responsible for the content of such pages. The linked websites were examined for any possible violations of the law at the time of linking. There was no indication of any violation at that time. However, we cannot be reasonably expected to permanently review the content of any linked pages without specific evidence of a violation of the law. We shall remove such links immediately as soon as any violation of the law becomes known to us.
The content and work products on this website created by the site operator are subject to German copyright law. Any duplication, editing, dissemination, and any kind of use outside the scope of application of copyright law require the respective author’s/creator’s written consent. Downloads and copies of this site may only be made for private, non-commercial use. To the extent that the content of this site was not created by the operator, third-party copyright is being observed. Third-party content in particular has been clearly marked as such. If you notice any copyright violation in spite of that, please let us know. We shall remove such content immediately as soon as any violation of the law becomes known to us.
Concept, design, execution
Tina Ghazi (
List of sources of images and graphics
Timo Bierbaum:
Fotos München:
Icons: by Berkah Icon from the Noun Project